1) One coupon per item(s) purchased as stated on the coupon with a maximum of 12 coupons per same 12 items purchased in a 24-hour period per Giant Eagle Advantage Card® customer.
2) Stacking (combining electronic and paper coupons) of manufacturers’ coupons is prohibited.
3) A maximum of two “like” coupons will be accepted.
Changes one and two, I am okay with. With change one, it might actually be possible to walk into the health and beauty department and actually be able to find the things that are on sale. With change number two, this was an eventual thing that everyone saw coming, especially since GE doubles coupons. This was a lot of money they were eating, because let's face it, stacking coupons at GE usually made a free item, so they were eating the cost of their e-coupon plus the cost of the doubled manufacturer's coupon. But please note, if you have ecoupons on your Advantage Card, they will automatically use those first and not accept any manufacturer's coupon for that item. So my advice is to clear all the ecoupons from your card and add them the day of your shopping trip if it makes for a good deal. It has been my experience that a manufacturer's coupon is always better than a ecoupon there (on most items) because they will double the manufacturer's coupon and not the ecoupon.
Change three, I am completely annoyed with. Internet coupons are still manufacturer's coupons, should I not be able to use 12 just like the others. I am not saying that I have twelve of each, but I do sometimes have six if I feel like hooking up the laptop. This rule is just crazy to me and I am awaiting an answer to an email I sent asking why this change.
So double check your shopping lists for GE and make sure you checking for the best value between manufacturer's and ecoupons. And as always, happy shopping!
Wait I'm confused. If you can only use 12 coupons per the same 12 items doesn't rule change 1 conflict with 3? Or does rule 3 only apply to internet printable coupons??
ReplyDeleteSorry for the confusion. Rule 3 only applies to internet printed coupons.